The study, carried out by Wageningen Livestock Research and Utrecht University, was commissioned and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture and the Pig Breeders Association (POV). Representatives from genetics producers, the Pig Breeders Association (POV), Animal Husbandry Associations, Animal Transporters Association, Meat Industry Associations, Veterinary Associations of the Netherlands, and Feeders Associations of the Netherlands served on the evaluation committee.
The study concludes that it is too early to totally stop tail docking in the Netherlands. The complexity of the topic leads to increased costs which the farmer cannot bear without additional financial help. Training in observing the risk of tail biting behavior will help in the success of the practice. Immediate recognition and equally immediate action helps prevent tail biting cases.
The study then outlines the next steps. After this period of gaining experience, all actors in the supply chain need to be involved: pig farmers, farmers, slaughterhouses, retailers and the government.
- Improve the welfare aspects of pigs, acquiring more knowledge about behaviors and actions to be taken.
- Education, specific training for risk recognition and early intervention
- Financial compensation due to increased costs required and to support any reduced production. Funds for barn renovation or new construction specifically for welfare.
June 14, 2021/ Wageningen University & Research/ Netherlands.