The OIE has published an immediate notification of the presence of foot-and-mouth disease virus in Tunisia. This is the first confirmation of the disease in Tunisia since 2014. The identified serotype is A.
The disease has been confirmed in unit made of 22 bovines (21 young bulls and a cow) which belongs to a butcher, located in the north of the country.
Clinical signs observed on the animals were: fever, lameness, stomatitis, ulcers of all ages and salivation.
Other control measures were applied, such as: activation of national and regional crisis units, by-law declaring the infection, perifocal vaccination. A trivalent vaccine is available; its valences are the serotypes A, O and SAT1, and its potency is superior to 6 PD50. The anti-foot-and-mouth vaccination campaign has been running since February 2017. Five vaccination campaigns have been applied since 2014. The last vaccination campaign finalized in November 2016. On April 24th 2017, four bovines (one Montbéliarde and three cross-breed) of unknown origin and bearing foreign identification marks were introduced. Lately, illegal cross-border animal movements were registered.
Friday April 28, 2017/ OIE.