According to information published in several French media sources, following the announcement in August of Bigard's gradual withdrawal from the Marché du Porc Breton (MPB), Cooperl, the French leader in pig production, has announced to its members its withdrawal from the MPB.
The departure of these two leaders will weaken one of the main roles of the MPB as it provides a price reference for pigs, set collectively and transparently, and which is widely followed in all other marketing methods in France.

The exit of these two players disrupts the setting of the national reference price more in terms of representativeness than in terms of volumes exchanged (the volumes exchanged in the MPB represent only a minority fraction of the French market (6% in 2022)).
In 2022, a total of 1,360,508 pigs were sold within the MPB, of which only 0.69% were bought by Cooperl and 18.78% by Bigard.
From now on, only three buyers will meet weekly at the MPB to participate in defining the price (JPA (a subsidiary d'Agromousquetaires/Intermarché), Kermené (a subsidiary of E.Leclerc), and the Bernard Jean Floc'h group.
November 2, 2023/ 333 Staff.