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U.S. corn and soybean production up in 2021

Increased acreage and higher yields for corn and soybeans led to record high soybean production and near-record high corn production.

25 January 2022

U.S. corn growers produced 15.1 billion bushels in 2021, up 7% from 2020 and the second highest production on record. Corn yield in the United States is estimated at a record high 177.0 bushels per acre, 5.6 bushels above the 2020 yield of 171.4 bushels per acre. Area harvested for grain, at 85.4 million acres, is up 4% from 2020.

Soybean production for 2021 totaled a record-high 4.44 billion bushels, up 5% from 2020. With record high yields in 21 states, the average soybean yield is estimated at 51.4 bushels per acre, 0.4 bushel above 2020 and the second highest on record.

Corn stored as of December 1, 2021, was estimated to be up 3% from December 1, 2020. Soybean stocks were up 7% from a year earlier. Corn stored in all positions totaled 11.6 billion bushels, while soybeans totaled 3.15 billion bushels. All wheat stocks were down 18% from a year earlier. All wheat stored in all positions on December 1, 2021, totaled 1.39 billion bushels.

January 12, 2022/ USDA/ United States.

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