The Official Journal of the European Union has published the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1375 of the Commission of 10 August 2015, through which specific rules for the official controls for the detection of the presence of trichinella in meat are establisehd.
This rule includes the obligations of the competent authorities and the companies in terms of the taking of the samples from the carcasses, it stipulates the exceptions and the anlyses for the detection of trichinella, the official acknowledgement of the farms that fulfill the controlled penning conditions and, finally, the health requirements for the importation of meat from animal species susceptible of being trichinella carriers: pig, wild boar, horse, game (such as bears), and other carnivore mammals (including marine mammals), reptiles and carnivore birds.
This regulation entails a consolidation of all the previous legislation regarding this matter and it abolishes previous legislations such as Regulation (EU) 2075/2005, including its subsequent modifications.
Tuesday, 11 August 2015/ OJEU/ European Union.