Reductions in total tonnes between 2013 and 2017
In 2017, a total of 773 tonnes of antibiotic active ingredients was dispensed in the UK for use in people and animals. This represents an overall reduction of 19% between 2013 and 2017.

Tonnage used dropped by 6% in people (521 to 491 tonnes; excluding private prescriptions) and by 35% in animals (436 to 282 tonnes) over this period. Of the 773 tonnes, 64% was for use in people, 26% for use in food-producing animals only and 10% for use in companion animals and horses, but also in food-producing animals. Of the 64% prescribed for human use, approximately 80% was used in the community and 20% in hospitals. Of the 36% sold for use in animals, 72% was for use in food-producing animals only and 28% for use in horses, companion animals and also allowed for food-producing animals.

Reductions in mg/kg between 2013 and 2017
When the tonnage is corrected for bodyweight and population size of humans and animals at the likely time of treatment, the amount used in people was 123 mg/kg and the amount used in food-producing animals was 37 mg/kg. This represents a reduction of 9% and 40% respectively when compared to 2013 levels.
Thursday January 31, 2019/ DEFRA/ United Kingdom.