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UK: new Animal Medicines Best Practice Programme

NOAH is launching its new Animal Medicines Best Practice (AMBP) Programme with farmer training to support the responsible use of antibiotics across UK farms.

19 July 2018

The training programme, launched at the House of Lords, gives farmers and vets access to new resources, enabling a coordinated and consistent approach to farmer training in the responsible use of antibiotics.

The development of the AMBP Programme has been led by NOAH in partnership with a working group of stakeholders from across the industry including farmers, vets, the Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture Alliance (RUMA), the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD), the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and leading academics, to create a robust and trusted training programme for all those working in the sheep, dairy, beef and pig sectors.

The programme will raise awareness, knowledge and understanding of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and help drive best practice in a consistent manner across UK farms when it comes to using antibiotics.

There is a clear demand from the food supply chain for appropriate training, and the programme provides materials that will satisfy both supply chain and farm assurance requirements, such as the Red Tractor recommendations.

Training modules are available for farmers to access via the NOAH website or directly through an online Lantra eLearning platform. In addition to the direct farmer offering, vets will also be to access resource materials, enabling them to deliver training to their clients. This veterinary resource centre will follow soon.

Tuesday July 17, 2018/ NOAH/ United Kingdom.

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