
UK - Total Income from Farming, 2009 and 2010

Total Income from Farming in 2009 is estimated to have risen by 25% and in real terms, and is forecast to fall by 8.8% in 2010.
24 November 2009
Total Income from Farming in 2009 is estimated to have risen by 25% in real terms. This is the result of a decline in the value of agricultural output at market prices (-2.8%) being offset by a greater decline in input costs (-4.9%) coupled with an increase in the value of payments through the Single Payment Scheme and other schemes (+17%). Total Income from Farming is then forecast to fall by 8.8% in 2010.

Total Income from Farming per full-time person equivalent is estimated to rise in real terms by 26% in 2009 as a result of the increase in Total Income from Farming together with a fall in the volume of agricultural labour input (-1.3%). Total Income from Farming per full-time person equivalent is then forecast to decline by 8.0 per cent in 2010.

Total Income from Farming is forecast to fall by 8.8% in real terms in 2010. Total Income from Farming per full-time person equivalent is expected to decline in 2010 by 8.0% in real terms, a result of the fall in Total Income from Farming coupled with a further fall in the volume of labour input (-1.2%).

Agricultural output at current prices is forecast to decline further in 2010 (-2.2%) and to be only partly offset by a decline in input costs (-0.2%) and a rise in payments (+1.8%).


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