The European Commission has published the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 414/2014 about the import tariff quotas for fresh and frozen pig meat from Ukraine. The import tariff quotas shall be opened until 31 October 2014.
This will allow the importation of 20,000 Tm of meat of domestic swine (fresh, chilled or frozen), and of 20,000 Tm of meat of domestic swine (fresh, chilled or frozen, excluding hams, loins and boneless cuts).

While the quota concerned should normally be managed through the use of import licences, the Commission considered appropriate to attribute import rights as a first step and to issue import licences as a second step. In this way, operators that have obtained import rights should be able to decide, during the course of the quota period, the moment when they wish to apply for import licences, in view of their actual trade flows.
Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 414/2014 (330 kB)
Wednesday April 23, 2014/ OJEU/ European Union.