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Ukraine gains expertise in diagnosing African swine fever

In Kiev, FAO epidemiologists and livestock experts updated local lab technicians on the status of the contagious disease in Ukraine and Europe.

21 November 2014

As African swine fever spreads rapidly through Eastern Europe and now threatens to make inroads to the west, a cohort of Ukrainian lab technicians are now trained in the latest and most effective methods for diagnosing the disease and containing the epidemic.

In Kiev, FAO epidemiologists and livestock experts updated local lab technicians on the status of the contagious disease in Ukraine and Europe. The technicians, coming from veterinary medicine laboratories across Ukraine, were trained to accurately and efficiently diagnose African swine fever using molecular genetics and serological research methods.

Early detection will help veterinarians identify infected pigs, but policymakers may need to consider compensation policies for farmers in order to encourage reporting of disease outbreaks and ease economic hardship due to livestock losses.

Monday November 10, 2014/ FAO.

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