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Ukraine: in 2014 the areas for winter crops replanting to be small

In 2014 the agricultural areas for winter crops replanting in Ukraine will not exceed the level of 500 thsd ha.

12 March 2014

In 2014 the agricultural areas for winter crops replanting in Ukraine will not exceed the level of 500 thsd ha, declared Ihor Shvaika, Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, on March 6, according to APK..

Thus, the Head of the Ministry confirmed the previous forecast as of February 18, 2014, at the level of 500 thsd ha, including 300 ha for maize areas.

As a reminder, the agricultural area for winter crops replanting for the harvest-2012 totaled 1.5 mln ha, for the harvest-2013 - 0.5 mln ha.

Thursday March 6, 2014/ APK-Inform/Ukraine.

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