Summarizing the result of the first four months of 2016, Ukraine remains the pork net importer. Customs statistics data show that in January-April 1.08 thsd tons of fresh, cooled and frozen pork were brought out from Ukraine. Import in this period was about 1.56 thsd tons with the total cost of $ 2.13 mln. As a result, Ukraine is in the red for pigs’ carcass trade, according to PigUA.
More than the third part of imported production was bought in Germany; the fourth part was from Poland, 21.3% — from Netherlands and less than 18% fall to pig suppliers from other countries. As for export channels, traders focused on neighboring countries — Armenia and Georgia. 48.2% and 19.4% of Ukrainian pork were directed there. Especially in April the trade in Georgian direction was more active than with other countries. Ukrainian pig meat is edging toward Far Eastern markets. During the third part of the current year almost 24% of the total export volumes were sent out to Hong Kong.

Monday 16 mai, 2016/ PigUA/ Ukraine.