
Ukraine's agriculture ministry proposes banning breeding and sale of non-identified farm animals

The bill bans the breeding, moving, slaughtering and sale of farm animals that are not indentified and registered according to the procedure established by the state.

1 March 2013

The Agriculture Policy and Food Ministry of Ukraine has called for the obligatory identification and registration of farm animals not only by agricultural companies, but also by households.

The draft law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws on the identification and registration of farm animals was posted on the ministry's Web site on February 6, 2013.

The bill bans the breeding, moving, slaughtering and sale of farm animals that are not indentified and registered according to the procedure established by the state.

The ministry expects that the adoption of the law will improve the management and projections for the farm animal breeding market thanks to there being a database on age, species, location, transporting and other statistics indicators for animals.

Tuesday February 12, 2013/ Kyiv Post/ Ukraine

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