On September 20, 2015, The Ukrainian Parliament has conducted a major reform of the food safety system by implementing Law 1602. The Law changed functions of the controlling authorities by establishing a single food safety authority and harmonized many Ukrainian food safety practices with those adopted by the EU. It also changed import requirement as to labeling and accompanying shipping documents.
The following general changes are introduced into food safety system including deregulatory package:

- The system of competent authorities in charge for production and import of processed food products, plants, live animals, products of animal origin and feeds, conformity certification, sanitary and hygiene regulations was replaced by the single competent authority – State Service on Safe ty of Foodstuffs and Consumer Protection (SSSFCP).
- The competent authority responsible for production, import and circulation of food and animal products is now the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine (SVPS). The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Servi ce (SSES) of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has lost its status as competent authority. This status transfer is established by the joint letter of the SVPS and SSES issued on September 18th, 2015.
- Countries and facilities that have an import history at the time when Law 1602 was enacted (September 20th, 2015) will be included in the list automatically. No additional action from the competent authority is required.
Friday October 2, 2015/ FAS-USDA/ United States.