
United Kingdom - Antimicrobial consumption

This is the second report in the UK compiled by the various agencies dealing with public health or the health of animals raised for food. It brings together data on antimicrobial consumption, significant pathogens and their antimicrobial susceptibilities across the fields of human health, animal health and food.
26 March 2010
This is the second report in the UK compiled by the various agencies dealing with public health or the health of animals raised for food. It brings together data on antimicrobial consumption, significant pathogens and their antimicrobial susceptibilities across the fields of human health, animal health and food.

Compared to figures shown in the previous report, overall antimicrobial prescribing in the
community seems to be on the increase.

The most commonly prescribed classes of antimicrobial agents used in veterinary medicine were tetracyclines followed by sulphonomides/trimethoprim and β-lactams. These three classes of antimicrobials account for 82% of all veterinary sales. Sales of veterinary medicines have fallen since the figures published for 2004. The amount of antimicrobials sold per tonne of live weight of animal slaughtered for food has fallen from 0.08kg in 2004 to 0.06kg in 2007.


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