
United Kingdom - British pig production still lags behind

Despite improvements in daily liveweight gain and pigs finished per sow, Britain still lags behind its European competition in the production stakes. The latest figures from the BPEX publication on international cost of production show Britain produced 1643kg pig meat per sow in 2009 – the lowest of all the EU countries.
18 November 2010
Despite improvements in daily liveweight gain and pigs finished per sow, Britain still lags behind its European competition in the production stakes.

The latest figures from the BPEX publication on international cost of production show Britain produced 1643kg pig meat per sow in 2009 – the lowest of all the EU countries.

The cost of pig meat production in Great Britain decreased by four per cent in 2009, to 131.4p/kg, while the EU average was 131.7p/kg dw, down three per cent.

In performance terms the overall average number of pigs weaned/sow/year in the European InterPIG countries increased from 23.98 in 2008 to 24.32 in 2009 while the number of pigs weaned/sow/year in Great Britain, increased to 22.25.

The average number of pigs finished/sow in Great Britain increased for the sixth consecutive year in 2009. At 21.0 pigs/sow, average performance was 0.15 pigs higher than in 2008 and 2.2 pigs higher, an 11 per cent improvement, compared with 2004.


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