
United Kingdom: evidence secures big savings for pig industry

Pig farmers who meet this target will then be able to claim a discount on CCL of 90 per cent on electricity and 65 per cent on other eligible fuels.

28 January 2013

The Farm Energy Centre (FEC) working on behalf of the NPA have agreed New Climate Change Levy (CCL) targets with the Government which will save the pig industry an estimated £18.5 million over the next 10 years.

The NPA and FEC have been working closely with the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) to agree a 22.7 per cent energy saving target which will run from next year until 2023.

Pig farmers who meet this target will then be able to claim a discount on CCL of 90 per cent on electricity and 65 per cent on other eligible fuels. DECC had proposed a target of 31 per cent but FEC and the NPA presented evidence which showed that a lower target of 22.7 per cent was more realistic of what producers could achieve by 2020. This change in percentage will mean the scheme will cost scheme members £200,000 less to participate and will generate over £2.75 million in tax rebates. In addition, the reduced energy use by the sector will lead to a collective reduction in energy bills of over £15.5 million

January 2013/ NPA/ United Kingdom.

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