Giving recognition for pig producers’ professionalism is about to become easier and membership fees are lower as a result.
There will now be a useful tool to help the pig industry demonstrate its high standards and professionalism to assurance bodies, government and the public.

The Pig Industry Professional Register (PIPR) – which keeps a record of all registered events and training members have been to – has been enhanced to give its members direct access to their records online.
PIPR membership simply involves:
• Registering to open a PIPR member’s account
• Members signing their name on the PIPR form provided when they go to events and training courses
Points are then automatically added to each member’s PIPR account so they continue to build up points throughout their pig industry career. It could be described as building up ‘professional capital’.
The new membership fee will be £20 per year or £51 for three years, plus a one-off fee of £6 for initial registration.
PIPR members can earn points in a range of ways, including going to pig discussion groups, technical conferences and the Pig and Poultry Fair or taking part in training courses and online workshops.
Anybody working in the pig industry can be a member, including vets and allied industry.
Friday March 2, 2012/ BPEX/ United Kingdom.