Farmers wanting professional advice will no longer have to ring around dozens of organisations before getting through to the right source, said Agriculture Minister Jim Paice as he announced that a new, simpler Government advice service will launch in the New Year.
Defra’s new Farming Advice Service (FAS) will offer a one-stop-shop to farmers needing advice on subjects including cross compliance, nutrient management, competitiveness, and climate change adaption and mitigation.

The new service replaces the old cross compliance advice programme and will now cover a much broader range of subjects, with a central contact point to help farmers find specialist advice on improving their economic and environmental performance.
Because the Government wants to deliver the best and most up-to-date advice to farmers, Defra is working with industry and other stakeholders such as the NFU and CLA to set up the new service which launches on January 3 2012.
The helpline number for technical questions and advice is 0845 345 1302. The new website address will be Both will go live in the New Year.
Monday December 19, 2011/ DEGRA/ United Kingdom.