On 8 October 2014 the GB DAPP (Deadweight Average Pig Price) was replaced by the GB SPP (Standard Pig Price) and the GB APP (All Pig Price). The SPP and APP were created by AHDB/BPEX in response to changing industry needs for pig price reporting, see below for details on each price.
Standard Pig Price (SPP)

The GB Standard Pig Price (SPP) was launched in July 2014 and is a voluntary survey of pig abattoirs which provide their weekly kill data including weight, probe, sex and price. Only ‘standard pigs’ are included in the GB SPP; these are pigs on which no explicit premium is paid for a specific attribute other than weight and grade. Pigs on which premiums exist for certain production systems, feed regimes or breeds, including schemes such as Freedom Foods, are ‘non-standard pigs’ which are not included in the SPP.
All Pig Price (APP)
The GB All Pig Price (APP) was launched in April 2014 and is a voluntary survey of pig producers who provide their weekly kill data including weight, probe, sex and price.
Both ‘standard’ and ‘non-standard’ pigs are included in the GB APP.
Deadweight Average Pig Price (DAPP)
The Deadweight Average Pig Price (DAPP) was a voluntary survey of pig abattoirs who provided their kill data including weight, probe, sex and price of their weekly kill. The last DAPP was issued on the 1 October.
Both ‘standard’ and ‘non-standard’ pigs were included in the DAPP, similar to the APP. The publication of prices, treatment of deductions/bonuses and exclusions were the same as in the SPP and APP.
Wednesday October 8, 2014/ BPEX/ United Kingdom.