
United Kingdom - Old-breed pork must be the real thing

If only one of the parents is the named breed, then the product must be clearly labelled as being from a cross-breed. The advice comes from Lacors - the Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services. This means that if a piece of meat is, for instance, labelled ‘Gloucestershire Old Spot’ or ‘Berkshire’ consumers will know they are buying pork from pure-bred animals.
2 February 2009
If only one of the parents is the named breed, then the product must be clearly labelled as being from a cross-breed. The advice comes from Lacors - the Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services.

This means that if a piece of meat is, for instance, labelled ‘Gloucestershire Old Spot’ or ‘Berkshire’ consumers will know they are buying pork from pure-bred animals.


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