
United Kingdom - Research into country of origin labelling announced

The majority of meat and dairy products now feature information on where their ingredients came from or where they were produced, according to research announced by Food Minister Jim Paice.
1 June 2011
The majority of meat and dairy products now feature information on where their ingredients came from or where they were produced, according to research announced by Food Minister Jim Paice.

The survey looked at labels on over 500 meat and dairy products purchased from the major retailers and a number of independent shops. It is the first evaluation of country of origin labelling since the food industry put in place voluntary standards to provide clearer country of origin information to consumers last November.

For bacon, sausages and other lightly processed meat products, 82 per cent had some form of origin labelling, with 67 per cent providing information on the origin of the meat ingredient, and 15 per cent only listing where the product was manufactured. Nearly one in five didn’t include any origin statement.

More complicated meat products, such as pies and ready meals, showed that 76 per cent included some form of origin statement.


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