
United Kingdom: top Five for pig health

A ‘top five’ of farm services that will be available to every pig farm signing up to BPEX’s new national pig health scheme, was revealed at this week’s ‘Two Tonne Sow’ Focus on Health conferences.

20 October 2011

A ‘top five’ of farm services that will be available to every pig farm signing up to BPEX’s new national pig health scheme, was revealed at this week’s ‘Two Tonne Sow’ Focus on Health conferences.

The Pig Health Improvement Project (PHIP) became a national scheme in July following regional projects in Yorkshire, Humberside, East Anglia and the East Midlands. It’s now stepping up a gear as much of the infrastructure has been put in place and clear membership benefits are available.

“The PHIP takes a collaborative, action-orientated approach to reducing the incidence of disease in pig herds, which involves vets and producers working closely together to ensure the long-term sustainability of pig farming,” says BPEX’s Vet Project Manager Helen Clarke. “But we need a high level of uptake – and are looking to achieve sign-up from farms that together represent at least 90% of sows nationally. And that’s why we are keen to for farmers to take advantage of these five services that deliver key benefits at farm level,” she adds.

These services consist of free BPHS abattoir reports, which are an invaluable tool for vets and pig producers in identifying sub-clinical disease which is not always easy to spot on the farm.

Access to local health mapping, which raises awareness about any pig health related concerns in a farm’s locality.

A bespoke biosecurity action plan which vets will develop with farmers, using a unique questionnaire to assess biosecurity on their units.

And disease testing which farmers can access with the help of their vet.

The fifth service comprises BPEX regional support. And with dedicated regional staff, there is a wealth of guidance available to help every unit and group of producers to get started and get the most out of PHIP.

Tuesday October 18, 2011/ BPEX/ United Kingdom.

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