These statistics present the provisional estimates of the Total Income from Farming and production and income accounts for agriculture in the United Kingdom for 2011.
The headlines are:
• Total Income from Farming for 2011 is provisionally estimated at £5,693 million, an increase of £1,352 million (31%) compared to 2010. In real terms, after adjustment for the effect of inflation, Total Income from Farming rose by £1,126 million (25%). This represents the best performance for the agricultural industry since the mid-1990s.
• Total Income from Farming per annual work unit (AWU) of entrepreneurial labour (farmers and other unpaid labour) is provisionally estimated to have risen by 24% in 2011 to £30,900 in real terms. Over the longer term, Total Income from Farming per Annual Work Unit (AWU) of entrepreneurial labour has performed better than Total Income from Farming owing to a decline in the number of farmers and other unpaid workers.

Total Income from Farming is provisionally estimated to have increased by £1,352 million (31%) to £5,693 million in 2011 compared to 2010. In real terms, after adjustment for inflation, Total Income from Farming is provisionally estimated to have risen by £1,126 million (25%). In the longer term, 2011 represents the best performance for the agricultural industry in the UK since the mid-1990s.
The value of gross output at basic prices rose by £3,069 million (15%) in 2011 to £23,652 million. The value of total crop output rose by £1,541 million (21%) to £8,955 million, largely due to increases in the value of output of wheat, barley and oilseed rape, and the value of total livestock output rose by £1,355 million (12%) to £12,573 million, due mainly to increases in the value of output for cattle and sheep produced for meat, and milk.
The value of output of cattle produced for meat rose by £432 million (20%) to £2,585 million owing to increased production and strong prices due to high demand, especially for manufacturing beef. The value of output of sheep rose by £170 million (17%) to £1,148 million owing to increased production and record prices due to tight supplies in the United Kingdom and globally. The value of milk production rose by £413 million (12%) to £3,742 million owing to an increase in production helped by favourable weather conditions and higher milk prices paid to farmers.
The value of output of livestock has risen by one and half times since 2006. The value of milk output has similarly risen by one and half times.
The value of consumption of animal feed rose by £468 million (12%) to £4,428 million reflecting increases in prices for cereals and oilseed rape in particular, although there is a lag between price increases in the raw ingredients and compound feed. The value for energy, principally motor and machinery fuels, is provisionally estimated to have increased by £177 million (15%) to £1,378 million and the value of fertilisers consumed is provisionally estimated to have increased by £280 million (21%) to £1,621 million, reflecting higher prices for these commodities. The cost of animal feed, energy and fertilisers have increased significantly in recent years, approximately double the values recorded in 2006.
Tuesday May 1, 2012/ DEFRA/ United Kingdom.