
United kingdom - VLA investigates PCV2 as cause of reproductive failure

The Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA) is to increase surveillance for PCV2 virus as a cause of reproductive failure in cases of abortion and stillbirth where no other infectious cause has been identified.
21 January 2011
The Veterinary Laboratories Agency (VLA) is to increase surveillance for PCV2 virus as a cause of reproductive failure in cases of abortion and stillbirth where no other infectious cause has been identified.

VLA veterinary investigation officer Susanna Williamson said: "In cases of abortion and stillbirth in piglets, we have always looked for a variety of causes, but checking for myocarditis, which can be associated with PCV2 was not always included. Data from the field and research show that PCV2 can be transmitted to the pig foetus, and may, in previously naïve gilts and sows, cause piglets to be aborted or stillborn with myocarditis lesions.

"Through this increased surveillance we will be able to monitor for PCV2-associated abortion and stillbirth and obtain a better idea of the role that it plays in porcine reproductive failure in England and Wales.


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