
United Kingdom: £20 million for farming and forestry businesses

A new £20 million fund to help rural businesses increase profits and reduce their impact on the environment.

11 November 2011

A new £20 million fund to help rural businesses increase profits and reduce their impact on the environment has been launched today by Agriculture Minister Jim Paice. Farmers, foresters and horticulturalists can apply for grants of up to £25,000 to invest in green projects and new machinery so their businesses can grow in an environmentally friendly way.

The Farming and Forestry Improvement Scheme will fund new profit-boosting green schemes that:
• save energy and reduce carbon emissions;
• reduce dependence on artificial fertilizers through better use of manures;
• improve soil quality;
• improve animal health and welfare;
• save and recycle water; and
• promote woodland management by processing timber more efficiently.

The Farming and Forestry Improvement Scheme is part of Defra’s Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE). Funds will be allocated between now and December 2013. Grants will cover a maximum of half of the total cost of projects in uplands areas and at most 40% of the total cost of projects in non uplands areas.

Thursday November 10, 2011/ DEFRA/ United Kingdom.

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