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United States hog inventory up slightly

United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on March 1, 2016 was 67.6 million head. This was up slightly from March 1, 2015, but down 1 percent from December 1, 2015.

29 March 2016

United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on March 1, 2016 was 67.6 million head. This was up slightly from March 1, 2015, but down 1 percent from December 1, 2015.

Breeding inventory, at 5.98 million head, was down slightly from last year, and down slightly from the previous quarter.

Market hog inventory, at 61.7 million head, was up slightly from last year, but down 1 percent from last quarter.

The December 2015 - February 2016 pig crop, at 29.6 million head, was down slightly from 2015. Sows farrowing during this period totaled 2.87 million head, down 1 percent from 2015. The sows farrowed during this quarter represented 48 percent of the breeding herd. The average pigs saved per litter was a record high 10.30 for the December - February period, compared to 10.23 last year. Pigs saved per litter by size of operation ranged from 8.00 for operations with 1 - 99 hogs and pigs to 10.40 for operations with more than 5,000 hogs and pigs.

Friday March 25, 2016/ USDA/ United States.

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