The Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) has issued a quarantine order stopping the movement of pigs on Oahu after an outbreak of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv), was confirmed on a farm in Waianae Valley.
Last week, the farm called HDOA’s Animal Disease Control Branch to report many cases of diarrhea among their swine. Symptoms of PEDv in swine include acute watery diarrhea and dehydration. State veterinarians took samples from the farm and sent them to the Kansas State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. Confirmation of PEDv was received this morning.

No swine shall be moved east past Nanakuli from Makaha, Waianae and Nanakuli Valley. The order also restricts movement of swine from Oahu to neighbor islands.
Disease control measures have been instituted on the farm, which has a total of about 150 pigs. About 25 percent of the pigs (mainly piglets) died last week. However, it appears that the remaining pigs are recovering and no deaths have occurred on the farm since the weekend. It is not known at this point how the virus may have come to Hawaii; however, the farm did not import any swine.
Thursday November 20, 2014/ HDOA/ United States.