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United States: PEDV-largest number of new cases in a week

At 265, the number of cases confirmed during the week of 1/26/2014 represents the largest number of new cases in a week.

6 February 2014

According to AASV, the veterinary diagnostic labs have sequenced a second, and possibly a third, PED virus from swine herds in the U.S. These viruses do not appear to be a mutation of the strain initially identified in the fall of 2013 but rather distinct viruses. It is unknown how long these viruses may have been in the U.S.

Furthermore, the number of new cases confirmed per week continues to increase. At 265, the number of cases confirmed during the week of 1/26/2014 represents the largest number of new cases in a week since the outbreak began in April, 2013. This brings the total number of new cases confirmed since the start of the outbreak to 2962. No new states were added this week, leaving at 23 the number of states reporting having at least one confirmed case of PED.

Wednesday February 5, 2014/ AASV/ United States.

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