USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) canceled and reissued FSIS Notice 21-14, " Prescribed Treatment to Destroy Trichinae in Pork, and Products Containing Pork."
This notice cancels FSIS Notice 21-14 and reissues the content with clarification of labeling requirements and inspection program personnel (IPP) verification responsibilities. This notice provides instructions to IPP regarding how to verify that establishments address trichinae during the production of products. The instructions in this notice are consistent with FSIS’s thinking presented in the 2001 proposed rule on Ready-to-Eat (RTE) products, including FSIS’s position in that proposed rule that if the establishment identifies trichinae as a hazard reasonably likely to occur, the establishment would have to ensure that the process used effectively eliminates the hazard.

The instructions in this notice apply only to IPP in establishments producing those products listed in 9 CFR 318.10(b) and not to pork carcasses during slaughter or to products that are rendered free of trichinae as a result of being fully cooked during production.
Friday March 6, 2015/ FSIS-USDA/ United States.