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United States: total red meat production down from last year

Commercial hog slaughter totaled 106.9 million head, 5 percent lower than 2013.

5 May 2015

Total red meat production for the United States totaled 47.4 billion pounds in 2014, 4 percent lower than the previous year. Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and Texas accounted for 49 percent of the United States commercial red meat production in 2014, unchanged from 2013.

Commercial hog slaughter totaled 106.9 million head, 5 percent lower than 2013 with 99.3 percent of the hogs slaughtered under federal inspection. The average live weight was up 9 pounds from last year, at 285 pounds. Barrows and gilts comprised 97.1 percent of the total federally inspected hog slaughter.

There were 881 plants slaughtering under federal inspection on January 1, 2015 compared with 862 last year.  Hogs were slaughtered at 620 plants, with the 12 largest plants accounting for 57 percent of the total.



April 2015/ NASS- USDA/ United States.

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