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Uruguay: increase in pork consumption and imports

The situation of the pig sector in Uruguay is characterized by a decreasing importance of the national production and an increase of imports.

25 January 2016

According to the data of the Yearbook 2015 written by technicians of the Agriculture and Livestock Programming and Policies Office (OPYPA) pertaining to the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP) of Uruguay, the situation of the pig sector in this country is characterized by a decreasing importance of the national production and an increase of imports.

Pork consumption has increased considerably in the last years, and this has mainly been covered by imports, whilst there is a drop in the national pork production due to the high competitiveness of the imported product. The volume of pork imported by Uruguay grew significantly in the 2007-2015 period, with 10,079 tonnes imported in 2007 and 22,325 tonnes imported in 2015.

Regarding the origin of the imported pork, Brazil stands out, althoug with a slight drop of its share in the aforementioned period, which has given place to new import markets such as Spain and Belgium, with market shares of 14% and 8%, respectively in the January-October 2015 period.

In Uruguay, the consumption per capita rose by 54% between 2009 and 2014. According to the data of the INAC, the meat consumption per capita in 2014 was 98.6 kg, of which 15 kg were pork. This is, pork represents some 15% of the total meat consumption.

January 2016/ Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries/ Uruguay.

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