These North American countries will strengthen their coordination of efforts to keep the region free of devastating diseases such as African swine fever.
In presenting the report from the first working session to the North American Animal Health Committee, the coordinator of Epidemiology and Risk Analysis of the National Service for Agrifood Health, Safety and Quality (Senasica), Gabriel Ayala Borunda, highlighted the consensus reached to identify priority issues.

He indicated that the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Mexican Pig Farmers' Organization (Opormex) proposed strengthening communication on exotic, emerging and new diseases in pigs, in order to define preventive and control measures for the region.
They also asked their Canadian and American counterparts to exchange technical information, with the aim of progressively standardizing diagnostic methods for diseases, including rapid tests.
Regarding border security, the Mexican representatives proposed assessing the risk of backyard pig production, free-roaming pig production, and wild animals at the borders, in order to be prepared for the occurrence of high-impact diseases.
Ayala Borunda said that the memorandum of understanding that will give legal support to the working group already has endorsement in technical matters and will be signed once the legal representatives of the three countries give their approval.
He indicated that health authorities and representatives of the swine industry from Mexico, the United States, and Canada will meet quarterly, starting on September 24, when each nation will present an analysis of their animal health status and response capacity to control and eradicate pig diseases.
August 28, 2020/ SADER/ Mexico.