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US/Canada/Mexico: WTO to Issue COOL Retaliatory Tariffs Decision in November

Canada and Mexico last week defended their proposed tariffs during a public hearing at the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland.

22 September 2015

According to North American Meat Institute, a World Trade Organization (WTO) arbitration panel on November 21, 2015, will issue a final decision regarding the amount of annual retaliatory tariffs Canada and Mexico can impose on U.S. imports resulting from country-of-original labeling (COOL) rules.

Canada and Mexico last week defended their proposed tariffs during a public hearing at the WTO’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Canada is requesting authorization to impose retaliatory measures worth more than $2.5 billion, while Mexico is proposing tariffs totaling more than $713 million. The U.S. contested Canada and Mexico’s calculations, arguing the value of Canada’s proposed retaliatory measures should be cut by more than 98 percent and Mexico’s by 93 percent.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015/ NAMI/ United States.

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