According to the last report on the situation of the porcine enteric coronavirus (SECD) in US, which includes porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PEDv) and porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV), as of 31 December 2014, and counting since last 5 June (when the new federal rule on the transmission of information regarding the disease came into force), there are 625 farms and premises infected with PEDV, and 28 infected with PDCoV, whilst there are 22 farms infected with both pathogens.
Although a rise in the number of cases was to be expected due to the cold weather, they are not appearing so far.
Fig. 1. Number of confirmed positive farms/premises per week.
Next we show the data regarding the number of samples tested weekly (understanding that each entry includes samples taken on a single farm and a single day).
Fig. 2 Number of tested and positive PEDv biological samples since the coming into force of the Federal Rule.
Fig. 3 Number of tested and positive PDCoV biological samples since the coming into force of the Federal Rule.
Wednesday, 31 December 2014/ APHIS-USDA/ US.