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US to develop ASF/CSF-monitored certification program

APHIS announces a pilot project to develop an monitored certification program for these high-consequence swine diseases.

26 June 2020

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is announcing a joint project to develop a certification program for high-consequence swine diseases African swine fever (ASF) and classical swine fever (CSF).

This pilot would provide a framework to further safeguard the industry by ensuring effective, and active surveillance throughout the country and the ability to quickly zone infected areas, if disease were detected. The pilot also has the potential to provide assurances to trading partners and consumers about our animal disease status.

When implemented, the pilot will provide a forum for State and Federal agencies, diagnostic laboratories, and industry stakeholders to collaborate directly to establish regulatory and diagnostic priorities, creating a more efficient and engaged process and fostering greater engagement in national swine disease control efforts.

U.S. pork producers and packing facilities in participating states that meet specified program requirements will be able to enroll in the program on a voluntary basis. Through this project, APHIS will work to assess the potential for transitioning to a more formal ongoing national plan to certify the health of U.S. swine.

June 23, 2020/ USDA/ United States.

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