
USA - Annual foodborne illness averages down 15%: CDC

Foodborne illness outbreaks totaled 1,097 and caused 21,244 illnesses and 18 deaths in 2007, according to a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report summarizing the epidemiological data for reported foodborne outbreaks in 2007 – the most recent year available.
18 October 2010
Foodborne illness outbreaks totaled 1,097 and caused 21,244 illnesses and 18 deaths in 2007, according to a recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report summarizing the epidemiological data for reported foodborne outbreaks in 2007 – the most recent year available.

In 2007, the total number of foodborne outbreaks decreased by 8% when compared to the annual averages from 2002-2006. The total number of illnesses also deceased 15% when compared with the annual averages for the same period of time.

Of the 497 outbreaks attributed to a single etiologic agent, bacteria caused 259 (52%), viruses caused 199 (40%), chemical agents 34 (7%) and parasites caused five (1%) of the outbreaks.

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