
USA - Demand for U.S. pork still strong in Japan, Mexico; offset by limited market access in China, Russia

In the first half of the year, the declining performance of certain pork export markets was largely offset by gains in the two leading destinations for U.S. pork (Mexico by volume, Japan in terms of value). While Mexico and Japan continue to perform above their record pace of 2008, the gains achieved in these markets are no longer sufficient to overcome the decline in exports to China and Russia, which are at least partially the result of market access restrictions.
14 October 2009
In the first half of the year, the declining performance of certain pork export markets was largely offset by gains in the two leading destinations for U.S. pork (Mexico by volume, Japan in terms of value). While Mexico and Japan continue to perform above their record pace of 2008, the gains achieved in these markets are no longer sufficient to overcome the decline in exports to China and Russia, which are at least partially the result of market access restrictions.

January-August pork exports to Mexico of 328,801 metric tons (724.9 million pounds) were 38 percent higher by volume and 17 percent higher by value than the same period last year. The January-August volume of pork exports to Japan (289,179 metric tons or 637.5 million pounds) slipped slightly below its 2008 pace, but exports to Japan still increased by 6 percent in value.


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