
USA - Food safety bill fails quick vote in House

The House of Representatives on Wednesday failed to pass sweeping food safety legislation by the two-thirds majority it needed under suspension rules that limited debate and banned amendments from being added on the floor.
30 July 2009
The House of Representatives on Wednesday failed to pass sweeping food safety legislation by the two-thirds majority it needed under suspension rules that limited debate and banned amendments from being added on the floor.

The bill would give the FDA more food safety authority. However, facilities already regulated by USDA would be exempt from some of the FDA's extended powers, including exempting livestock operations from new on-farm inspection authority granted to FDA under the bill.

Also, proposed legislation that would ban the use of non-therapeutic antimicrobials in food-producing animals was not included in this food safety bill.

Democrats are expected to bring up the bill again Thursday under regular procedures requiring a simple majority for passage, according to media reports.


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