The U.S. pork industry is expected to ship 1.4 billion pounds of pork products to foreign destinations in the fourth quarter of this year, an increase of more than 22 percent over the same period in 2010. Sales are expected to be strong to Asia.
With larger fourth-quarter exports, total exports for 2011 are expected to reach slightly more than 5.1 billion pounds, an increase of 21 percent over exports in 2010.

Total U.S. pork exports in 2012 are expected to be about the same as this year, 5.1 billion pounds.
With higher domestic availability, the average 2012 price of live-equivalent 51-52 percent lean hogs should decline about 1.6 percent, averaging $63-$68 per cwt, compared with $66.32 in 2011. Further declines in hog prices are likely to be checked by expected lower 2012 poultry production (-1.8 percent, yearover-year) and sharply lower 2012 beef production (-4.6 percent, year-over-year).
Shipments to Asia Continue To Lift U.S. Pork Export Volumes
U.S. pork exports in October were over 482 million pounds, more than 42 percent above October 2010 shipments. Similar to patterns set early in 2011, 80 percent of October exports went to five countries: Japan ( 37.8 percent year-over-year), China (almost 4 times greater than a year ago), Mexico ( .3 percent year-over-year), Canada ( 27.4 percent year-over-year), and South Korea ( 64.5 percent yearover-year). U.S. pork imports in October were 69 million pounds, 11 percent less than a year earlier. As has become the norm, almost 12 percent of October imports were of Danish origin, and 77 percent came from Canada. Imports from Denmark were almost 15 percent ahead of a year ago, while shipments from Canada were off by more than 14 percent. Live swine imports from Canada in October were almost 498,000 head, 9 percent above a year ago.
Thursday December 15, 2011/ ERS-USDA/ USA.