
USA - Illinois bill focused on animal production

This week in the Illinois General Assembly Senate Assistant Majority Leader Sen. James A. DeLeo introduced a bill that would amend the state's Humane Care for Animals Act. As written it would prohibit a person from tethering or confining any covered animal, on a farm, for all or the majority of any day, in a manner that prevents the animal from lying down, standing up and fully extending his or her limbs or turning around freely.
16 February 2009
This week in the Illinois General Assembly Senate Assistant Majority Leader Sen. James A. DeLeo introduced a bill that would amend the state's Humane Care for Animals Act.

As written it would prohibit a person from tethering or confining any covered animal, on a farm, for all or the majority of any day, in a manner that prevents the animal from lying down, standing up and fully extending his or her limbs or turning around freely.


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