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United States: National Pork Board defines antibiotics stewardship plan

The National Pork Board intends to allocate up to $1.4 million in funding of scientific research and antibiotic risk assessment studies, producer education and consumer awareness programs.

10 June 2015

The National Pork Board has announced a stewardship plan to guide and support the responsible use of antibiotics for the U.S. pork industry. The newly defined position statement and governing policy was approved at the board’s June meeting and announced through a news conference at World Pork Expo.

Following unanimous approval, the Pork Board updated its position and policy statement that “embraces responsible antibiotic use in pork production” and pledges to “emphasize these values in its revised Pork Quality Assurance® Plus (PQA Plus®) producer certification and training programs” in the year ahead. Additionally, the National Pork Board intends to allocate up to $1.4 million in funding of scientific research and antibiotic risk assessment studies, producer education and consumer awareness programs.


Wednesday June 3, 2015/ NPB/ United States.

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