
USA - Organic growth slowing: new report

During the first part of this decade, the organic food and drinks market grew rapidly; sales in the U.S. and the nine largest European markets reached more then $40 billion in 2007. However, growth appears to have slowed in the market in 2008.
15 April 2009
During the first part of this decade, the organic food and drinks market grew rapidly; sales in the U.S. and the nine largest European markets reached more then $40 billion in 2007. However, growth appears to have slowed in the market in 2008.

In 2009 and into 2010, the organic sector’s rate of growth is expected to slow considerably and total sales may remain flat in markets like the U.S., the U.K. and Germany. Demand for meat and produce is also expected to weaken, with packaged grocery sales holding up well.


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