
USA - Pork Board Swaps 'White Meat' for 'Be Inspired'

The National Pork Board on Friday replaced the decades-old ad campaign with a new message: "Pork: Be Inspired."
4 March 2011
The National Pork Board on Friday replaced the decades-old ad campaign with a new message: "Pork: Be Inspired."

Board officials said after nearly 25 years, it was time to move on from the old message that compared pork to chicken and instead try to increase sales by focusing on the estimated 82 million Americans who already eat pork.

"The overall goal is to move sales of our product," said Ceci Snyder, the Des Moines, Iowa-based board's vice president of marketing. "We want to increase pork sales by 10 percent by 2014. To do that, we needed to make a stronger connection, a more emotional connection to our product."


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