
USA - Pork groups want trucking dispute resolved

President Obama is being urged by the National Pork Producers Council and 36 state pork producer organizations to work with Congress and the Mexican government to resolve the dispute over allowing Mexican trucks to haul goods into the United States.
22 September 2010
President Obama is being urged by the National Pork Producers Council and 36 state pork producer organizations to work with Congress and the Mexican government to resolve the dispute over allowing Mexican trucks to haul goods into the United States.

Last month Mexico added pork to the list of U.S. products against which it is retaliating for the failure of the U.S. to live up to its obligations under the North American Free-Trade Agreement on the trucking issue. Mexico put a 5% tariff on most U.S. pork imports.

Since 1993 – the year before N.A.F.T.A. was implemented – U.S. agricultural exports to Mexico have increased by 257%, with pork exports growing by 580%, the pork groups pointed out in their letter. Mexico is the second-largest market for the U.S. pork industry, which shipped $762 million of pork south of the border in 2009.


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