Total U.S. red meat and poultry production in 2014 is projected to be above 2013 as higher pork and poultry production more than offsets declines in beef production.
Pork production is forecast to increase more rapidly than in 2013 as lower forecast feed costs provide incentives for producers to expand farrowings and increase carcass weights from 2013 levels. Pork production is down marginally on lower forecast slaughter in the second of half of 2013. Pork exports are expected to rebound in 2014 as supplies increase and demand improves. Pork imports are forecast up fractionally from 2013. For 2014, hog prices are forecast to be slightly lower than 2013 on higher production. Hog prices are down fractionally from last month on weaker second quarter prices.

Friday May 10, 2013/ WASDE-USDA/ United States.