The bills S.2191/H.7180, legislation that prohibits the extreme confinement of breeding pigs and veal calves in small crates, and S.2192, legislation that prohibits the unnecessary and inhumane practice of cattle tail docking, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Dominick J. Ruggerio (D-Dist. 4, North Providence, Providence) and Rep. Patricia Serpa (D – Dist. 27, Coventry, Warwick, West Warwick), passed the Senate and House with overwhelming support and the governor has signed them into law. This makes Rhode Island the ninth state to ban gestation crates for breeding pigs, the seventh to ban veal crates for calves, and the third to ban cattle tail docking.
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan, Ohio and Oregon have all passed laws to phase out gestation crates. In addition to Rhode Island, bills on this issue are currently pending in Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey.

Thursday June 21, 2012/ HSUS/ United States.