Thee Office of the U.S. Trade Representative is issuing for public comment a supplemental list of products that could potentially be subject to additional duties in order to enforce U.S. rights in the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute against the European Union (EU) and certain EU member States regarding EU subsidies on large civil aircraft.
This supplemental list adds 89 tariff subheadings with an approximate trade value of $4 billion to the initial list published on April 12, which included tariff subheadings with an approximate trade value of $21 billion. USTR is adding to the initial list with the supplemental list in response to public comments and additional analysis.

In the event the Arbitrator issues its decision prior to completion of the public comment process on the supplemental list, the USTR may immediately impose increased duties on the products included in the initial list, and take further possible actions with respect to products on the supplemental list.
The list includes pig meat, ham and sausages.
Monday July 1, 2019/ USTR/ United States.