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Venezuela closes its borders to the trade of Colombian animals and their products

After the new foot-and-mouth disease cases in Colombia, the Venezuelan Government has forbidden the entry of Colombian animals and their products.

2 November 2018

The Minister of Popular Power for Productive Agriculture and Lands, Mr Wilmar Castro Soteldo, announced, last Monday, the discontinuation of the commercial exchange of animals and their products and by-products with the aim of protecting the country's borders in the face of the imminent epidemiologic risk represented by the current foot-and-mouth disease epidemic that is affecting Colombia.

The Minister urged the Venezuelan population to alert, report and inform about any suspicion of movements of this kind of products, specially in the region of Táchira.

The National Institute for Comprehensive Agricultural Health (INSAL), an organism attached to the Ministry for Productive Agriculture and Lands, stated that: “The epidemiologic surveillance will be strengthened in the bordering states, carrying out a clinical surveillance in properties at risk, and urging the general public to immediately report any incident regarding animals that show symptoms of the virus.”

Specialist veterinarians from the INSAL shall be deployed, backed by members of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces and the Migration Police in the borderlands, ports and airports to guarantee the inspection of luggage, ships and planes with suspicious shipments from Colombia.

Monday, October 29th, 2018/ Bolivarian Government of Venezuela/ Venezuela.

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