
Vietnam - Dried pork skin crawling with germs

A recent survey in HCM City revealed that about 70 per cent of dried pork skin, a traditional Vietnamese food, in city markets was contaminated with bacteria. The majority of bacteria found in the surveyed skin were coliforms, E.Coli, B.cereus, C.perfringens and S.aureus.
20 January 2009
A recent survey in HCM City revealed that about 70 per cent of dried pork skin, a traditional Vietnamese food, in city markets was contaminated with bacteria.

The majority of bacteria found in the surveyed skin were coliforms, E.Coli, B.cereus, C.perfringens and S.aureus.


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21-Jan-2009Ba Long Nguyen LongBa Long Nguyen LongIt's very dangerous. Tet neary, we are carefully!
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